Summer school

Every year in the first two weeks of July, the Old Catholic Seminary at Utrecht University offers two Summer schools in Old Catholic Theology – two weeks of interesting and deepening lectures, meeting people from various cultural and theological backgrounds and enjoying the beautiful city of Utrecht.

For the latest updates about our Summer school, you can sign up for its newsletter and/or follow its pages on Facebook and Instagram.

Summer school ‘Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context’

The Summer school ‘Old Catholic Theology in its Ecumenical Context’ will be from 6 to 11 July, 2025. This course offers an introduction to Old Catholic theology in a ecumenical context.

Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. Students will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology from the faculty at the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht. The topics covered by the course include the following: History of Old Catholicism, Old Catholic Spirituality, Ecumenism and Old Catholicism, Old Catholic Canon Law and Ecclesiology, Old Catholic Liturgy, and Old Catholic Systematic Theology.

Click here for more information about this course and to apply.

Old Catholic Theology Beyond the Basics: to be announced

From 13 to 18 July, 2025, we are offering a brand new in-depth summer school theme. This theme will soon be announced.

Click here for more information about this course and to apply.

If you want to attend both weeks, you can apply for the Summer school track ‘Old Catholic Theology: The Early Church as Charism and Challenge’ which combines both courses. Applying for this track leads to a reduction of the course fee.

Click here for more information about the entire Summer School track and to apply.

The course director of the summer schools in Old Catholic Theology is Prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit. For any inquiries, you can reach out to